Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Afghans in Progress

This is an afghan done in yellow baby yarn. It is from the pattern Michi's Afghan. The yarn was donated to me, and I have 3 skeins that look to be about 7 or 8 oz. I hope to have at least a large crib size, maybe even a twin bed size, but I don't think there's enough yarn for that. I call this "Golden Arches".

Here is my version of Coats & Clark's "Sunrise Sunset" afghan. I thought it looked bright and cheery like sunshine and rainbows. The squares are about 6 or 7". I will work on this one after the arches and the Winsor.

Here is my "Windsor and White" afghan. I received the yarn and many started grannies as a donation. I honestly haven't done grannies since I was 7! I didn't want this to look like a checkerboard, so I'm sewing the strips together on a diagonal. It looks like I should have enough for an entire twin sized afghan - this will be nice for a boy, I think. Turning it diagonal really changes the look!

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