2. Is the back supposed to look like this?
3. Are my petal tips correct?
4. How long do I have in order to send in my square?
5. Do you accept squares from other countries?
6. Do you have the pattern in symbols?
7. I am stuck! I cannot figure the pattern out! What do I do?
8. Can I put a link to your blog? Do you have a button?
9. Can I post a picture of my square?
10. Can I sell works made with your pattern?
11. Can I use your pattern in my crochet group?
12. What other materials do you use or need?
13. What size should the square be? Do you use other sizes, too?
14. Who do you donate the afghans to?
15. Do you accept anything else if I can't fulfill my obligation?
16. Can I send more than one square?
17. Do you have a preference for color?
18. How and why did you start this?
19. Should I wash the squares before I send them? How about blocking?
20. How many squares do you use in an afghan?
1. Is the square difficult?
The stitches used in the square are all basic stitches. However, you will need to follow the directions carefully, as there are a few "tricks" to making the square come out correctly.
2. Is the back supposed to look like this?
The back has areas that are open and often people have commented that the geometric pattern it has looks really neat. Here is a picture of the back:

3. Are my petal tips correct?
If they are free from your work and sort of raised, then they ARE correct! EDITED TO ADD: This isn't a completely correct answer any longer. If you're using version 9 of the pattern or later, the pattern has you tack down the petal tips. Previous versions, the tips were loose.
4. How long do I have in order to send in my square?
You can send in your square at any time. This is an ongoing project. If you have financial or health issues, scheduling conflicts, etc., you are fine to send in your square when the opportunity gets there. About once a month, you will receive an email from me "reminding" you of your offer to help. I don't mean to make you feel guilty if you cannot help at this time, but a lot of us have things just "slip our minds" and need little reminders like that!
5. Do you accept squares from other countries?
YES! I have received squares from 5 continents and MANY countries. Foreign crocheters need to note that the instructions are written in English with US crochet terms. I am not able to translate the pattern for you, and it is NOT written in symbols.
6. Do you have the pattern in symbols?
Yes. On the Yahoo group in the Files section, there is a chart version that a group member made.
7. I am stuck! I cannot figure the pattern out! What do I do?
There are a few things you can do. First, you can download the help files and tutorials from the Yahoo! Group. Also, there is a link in the files section for a video that is broken down by stages. Keep in mind if you are using V9 or later, the video does not match the pattern for the petal tips.
8. Can I put a link to your blog? Do you have a button?
Yes, you can put a link to my blog! The button is in the right hand menu, and I will be glad to help you with the code if you do not know how to do it. You can link directly to the homepage or to the page that describes the pattern and how it works. Thank you for sharing the word about this charity venture. PLEASE NOTE: This is not permission to post the pattern!
9. Can I post a picture of my square?
Yes, you can post a picture of your square on your blog or on message boards. I would appreciate it if you would link to my blog as well, so others can find the pattern easily.
10. Can I sell works made with your pattern?
Yes, you can sell items made with the daisy pattern, but only for the purpose of charity. This means at fundraising fairs, donated to raffles, etc. If you sell outright on your own, please specify what charity the money will go towards. You may NOT sell the pattern. You may donate items made with the pattern (in fact, I encourage this!). (Edited for clarity on 7/14/10)
11. Can I use your pattern in my crochet group?
Yes, you may take printed copies to your crochet group, share it with friends, set it out at craft fairs, etc. You MUST use the complete pattern with all of the contact information in it when you do so. PLEASE explain to those that receive the pattern the idea behind the pattern for a square as payment.
12. What other materials do you use or need?
When I receive the square, I border each square with either black or white "Caron One Pound" yarn. Once these are joined, I use another skein (5-7 oz) of a coordinating color of yarn (or two colors, depending on my mood) for contrast in the border. I also use the little string tags that I purchase at Wal-Mart to identify the city and state of each square, as well as its size. Any of these items that you have to share would be most appreciated!
13. What size should the square be? Do you use other sizes, too?
The square is designed to be 8" from side to side. However, since some versions of the pattern didn't have a gauge on them (I'm working on fixing that), you don't really know if your square is coming out right until it's done! As a result, I have squares that range from 6" up to 9". If yours is in this range, feel free to send it. It may be a little while until it gets used, though - I need to wait until I have others of the same size and color to use together. Also: if you are using Caron Simply Soft, your square will either come out smaller or it will be very loose. Feel free to make it smaller, as there are many like it here!
14. Who do you donate the afghans to?
I live near Buffalo, NY. There is a Children's Hospital there that I donate directly to (Women's and Children's Hospital of Buffalo). There is also a cancer research hospital here (Roswell Park Cancer Center) that I plan to use as well. They absolutely love the design AND the spirit of these afghans. In the future, I have plans to locate an assisted living facility that serves the lower income ranges and donate wheelchair sized afghans there as well. You will notice other afghans that I make being donated to other organizations, too. Most of these were by request of someone involved with the charity, or I have a personal interest in that charity.
15. Do you accept anything else if I can't fulfill my obligation?
Well, technically speaking - if you can't get the pattern to work, you do not owe me anything. There is no need to feel guilty! Anyone that wants to help out beyond the square is more than welcome to. If you wanted to send $1 to contribute toward yarn, some stringed tags like those I mentioned from Wal-Mart, or some yarn, you would make my day! Postcards from your area or little gifts to include with the donations are welcome as well.
16. Can I send more than one square?
Sure, send as many as you want and have the resources to mail.
17. Do you have a preference for color?
No. As long as the squares have either a black or a white background, it can and will get used. I will do my best to use every square I receive, but those that are "different" from the rest will take a little longer to get to.
18. How and why did you start this?
I had designed a pattern that I thought others would like, but I didn't want to just post it for free on the Internet. I didn't want to publish it, either. I know a lot of people do square exchanges, so I thought people would be willing to help out in exchange for the pattern. As it turns out, people are more than willing to help! (see the numbers to the right)
19. Should I wash the squares before I send them? How about blocking?
Oh PLEASE yes! Especially if you have a cat, as I am VERY allergic to them! I always wash the completed afghan before sending it out, but your friendly feline really gives me trouble. I open the squares, and any that make my nose itch get put on a pile to be washed before I use them. You can give them a few dunks in some soapy water and dry them on low. If you seal it up in a plastic bag in the envelope, it also prevents any water damage in the mail. Do not spray the square with perfume or body spray to make it "fresh". Sorry, but I'll only wind up washing it out. (aaaah-choooo!)
As for blocking - don't bother. These squares all lay very flat once they are joined together.
20. How many squares do you use in an afghan?
For a twin sized bed, I use 40 squares (5 by 8). A small wheelchair size would be 12 squares (3 by 4). I do not use these for baby blankets, as the holes in the pattern limit its use to older children. (Hospitals require baby afghans to not have holes in them)
I am trying to join the group and not able to..I would love the pattern and would love to send you one done! thank you.. email me at roseofsharon28@hotmail.com
thank you! sharon
Hi Krytal,
I am trying to join your yahoo group from my google profile and it isn't working. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I'm hoping to source your pattern, a group of colleagues from the university I work at are making charity blankets for Hamlin Fistula Hospital in Ethiopia, and we would love some new ideas (we are currently using sunny spread). We are more than happy to send squares from each of us. Any help in joining would be appreciated.
Kind regards,
I can't give any help with Yahoo - it's silly sometimes. However, email me and I can send it to you.
Would you accept any other squares besides the daisy square? I have many squares done in a simple stitch. I tried to join your group but was unable to.
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